
"Learn by doing."

Cooking & Fermenting

Cooking is something I had to learn to enjoy. When I was a child, I was more of an outdoors person and never took an interest in household chores. When I married at a young age, it became painfully evident that I was sorely lacking in that area. Betty Crocker and I became best friends. I now regularly prepare meals for 20 people or more. I love it!

Fermenting is a fairly recent interest. It began with sauerkraut. I’ve done a little wine making and even tried my hand at nettle beer. I hope to add more to the list soon.

We will go over topics such as:

  • Baking Basics: Homemade Cookies, Bread, Pie and Pie Crust, Waffles, Pancakes, Pasta, Milling Grain
  • Cooking Basics: Cooking Eggs, Homemade Gravy, Roast Chicken, Homemade Jam, Cast Iron, Bone Broth, Soup from Scratch, Using a Wood Stove
  • Specialty Items: Butter, Yogurt,  Cheese, Apple Cider, Fruit Juices, Maple Syrup
  • Fermenting: Kombucha, Sourdough Starter, Hard Cider, Cider Vinegar, Beer and Wine Making
Homestead Bootcamp Cider Press